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🔎 @theme/JSONSchemaViewer


PropertyTypeRequired ?Note
schemaJSONSchemaMandatoryJSON Schema Draft-07 / Draft 2019-09 / Draft 2020-12
resolverOptionsIResolveOptsOptionalTo resolve your $ref (by default, only inline references will be dereferenced).
viewerOptionsJSVOptionsOptionalOptions for the viewer itself.
classNamestringOptionalTo customize the styles of the viewer, to override docusaurus styles on a specific page


// Either Draft-07 / Draft 2019-09 / Draft 2020-12
type JSONSchema = unknown
type IResolveOpts = {
// "IResolveOpts" options from @stoplightio/json-ref-resolver
// More info on
type JSVOptions = {
* Should we display "examples" ?
* @default false
showExamples?: boolean
* To overwrite the order to display qualifier messages
* @default ["nullable","deprecated","readOnly","writeOnly","enum","stringLength","objectProperties","no-extra-properties","arrayItems","arrayContains","no-extra-items","number-range","pattern","multipleOf","uniqueItems","contentEncoding","contentMediaType","contentSchema","default","const","examples"]
qualifierMessagesOrder?: CheckKey[]
* To overwrite the printout of "description"
* By default, print out as provided
* @default undefined
DescriptionComponent?: (params: { description: string }) => JSX.Element
* To overwrite the printout of "examples", "default", "const", and "enum"
* By default, print out as provided
* @default undefined
ValueComponent?: (params: { value: unknown; schema: JSONSchema }) => JSX.Element
* To overwrite the default handling of unresolved $refs
* By default, print out as provided
* @default undefined
UnresolvedRefsComponent?: (params: { schema: JSONSchema }) => JSX.Element
type CheckKey =
| "nullable"
| "deprecated"
| "readOnly"
| "writeOnly"
| "enum"
// minLength / maxLength
| "stringLength"
// minProperties / maxProperties
| "objectProperties"
| "no-extra-properties"
// minItems / maxItems
| "arrayItems"
// minContains / maxContains
| "arrayContains"
| "no-extra-items"
// minimum / exclusiveMinimum / maximum / exclusiveMaximum
| "number-range"
| "pattern"
| "multipleOf"
| "uniqueItems"
| "default"
| "const"
| "examples"
| "contentMediaType"
| "contentEncoding"
| "contentSchema"
// For unsolved recursive refs ($ref, $dynamicRef, ...)
| "unsolvedRefs"


import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';
// To fetch a JSON file from your static folder
import Schema from "@site/static/schemas/examples/array/tuples.json";
import JSONSchemaViewer from "@theme/JSONSchemaViewer";

# Tuples

Viewer :

<JSONSchemaViewer schema={ Schema } />

Source :

<CodeBlock language="json-schema">{JSON.stringify(Schema, null, 2)}</CodeBlock>